jeudi 10 février 2011

Democracy is not freedom: An Egyptian case study [updated]

I keep being told by people “in the know” that the coming of “real democracy” to Egypt will bring real freedom.
The whole idea is premised on the idea that what “pro-democracy” protestors want is what you and I want. That democracy is a synonym for freedom.
It’s not.
Democracy is simply a synonym for mob rule.
It’s a counting of heads regardless of content.
It is the worship of jackals by jackasses.
It’s three wolves and a sheep voting for dinner.
It was what George Bush and his neo-cons wanted to export to the Middle East. Their “Forward Strategy for Freedom” called for the exportation by force of democracy to the Middle East.
They succeeded.
And the people of the Middle East turned out in droves to vote for the wolves.
Democracy, said the neo-cons, would bring freedom and security to the Middle East. Instead, it unleashed a whirlwind.
Democracy in Iraq gave the people an Islamic constitution and a regime that favours Tehran.
Democracy in Palestine delivered a landslide victory to the Iranian-backed Hamas—who began establishing a totalitarian Islamist regime and unleashing a wave of suicide bombings, before collapsing into a civil war with Fatah.
Democracy in Lebanon handed control of Lebanon to the Iranian-backed Hezbollah--who almost immediately started launching rockets into Israel, beginning a month-long war.
And what will democracy in Egypt bring    Well, guess . . .

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